New Intentions

I do have a lot to be grateful for, but 2017 was an ok year for our family. My kids will tell you it was an amazing year, but we never make them aware of any cracks.

2017 I went back to work. I joined Free People, I accidentally started a Closet edit & personal shopping service and both have been beautifully received. I love building women’s confidence and if fashion helps them then so be it!

I started The Daily Darlings last June as my outlet and to document my journey in life. Life & work trumped my blog and I used my IG to document more than my website. I want to focus more on my blog and not be nervous about my grammar and vocabulary!

November & December 2017 I ate like an absolute trooper, to the point where I was drinking tea and eating Terry’s chocolate orange for breakfast. I gained a beautiful 10ilbs and wore sweatpants because nothing fit!

My 2017 Parenting skills: I went back to work part time and we have no help or family in the US. Not an excuse but my goodness I was a screaming, no patience Mom who was dog paddling through Motherhood with good and bad days.

2018 I have already so many positives to look forward to; Christopher & I will celebrate our 10yr wedding anniversary, I turn 40 in March.  I also have a lot of changes. I am going to to deal with it all with a full positive heart.

My new intentions:

  1. Clean Eat with the support of Food Fix
  2. Workout with the support of incredible app by Kayla Itsines  
  3. Be a better Mom, manage life & kids using tools given by my amazing therapist.
  4. Focus only on friends I adore, friends that are easy. Friendships that flow!
  5. Family time is my number one priority

I got you 2018, I am going to make you a brilliant year. Let's do this!

I’m going to live a life I am proud of!

Genny xo
