Infertility Therapy
/Hi Darlings!
If you follow us on Instagram, you might have heard our talk about my struggle to get pregnant. I don’t really like to share because I know so many women suffer from infertility and I don’t feel I deserve sympathy even it was a really big challenge for me both physically and emotionally. My beautiful friend Liz Strong who I got to know during soccer practices and playdates is a certified therapist who specializes in stress and anxiety. I had a little chat with her recently about her job and I thought I would share it with you guys.
TDD: I know you have a blog When and why did you start it?
Liz: I suffered from infertility and decided to make it my mission to help other people that are dealing with the same thing. I feel there’s not really a lot of information about infertility online. I want people to have an outlet to share and feel they are not alone. Also offer different information with different scenarios.
TDD: Do you mind talking about your journey?
Liz: Before we wanted to have kids I was treating people with eating disorders, and then I went off the pill but wasn’t ovulating and went to a specialist. I was on drugs for a year and then finally started to ovulate again but still couldn’t get pregnant. After 2 years nothing happened. We decided to try IVF but my hormones went haywire. During those two years we were trying I was so depressed and stressed. Eventually IVF was successful and we got pregnant.
TDD: Why do you think people (including myself) don’t want to talk about it?
Liz: I think people don’t want to share their disappointment when they fail to get pregnant. Shame for not being able to do what a woman is supposed to. Actually it is even worse when it is the man’s problem.
TDD: Are you able to monetize your blog?
Liz: No and that’s never been what it is about. I actually would feel very guilty if I made money from other people’s struggle. I just love what I do. It is so rewarding when you see a breakthrough and are able to help others.
TDD: What is the one tool you can offer to make people feel better?
Liz: No matter what happens you will have your family. Whether it’s just your spouse or adopting. Also do whatever it takes to reduce your stress – massage, yoga, accupunture. Take a vacation.
TDD: Last but not least, do you wax?
Liz: Haha. No I shave. Waxing terrifies me.
If you have any more questions or would like to learn more about Liz or anything infertility, check out her blog I wish I know about it when I was trying.
Happy Mother’s Day
Liz with her beautiful family.